What's a sacred partner?!?
Quite simply put, a sacred partner is any individual or group who wants to pair up with Sacred Parks to provide their community information, support or faith-centered experience in a park or outdoor setting.
Partnership usually takes the form of a one-time collaboration, or a ministry partner relationship built between two parties. Example of churches who have collaborated on one-time events (thus far) can be found on our "Communities Visited" page. An example of an organization that is building a relationship (i.e. partnership) with Sacred Parks is St. Martin Lutheran church in Kansas City, Kansas.
The Sacred Partners program, though currently somewhat "under construction" goes like this: if you or your organization wants to work with Sacred Parks to help your community explore becoming more green, while adopting or otherwise using a park in your area, we can help! By providing resources, ideas and leadership, Sacred Parks can help you. There is also no "set" way to be a "sacred partner," so let's explore this possibility together!
Please contact us if you would like to partner up or collaborate with Sacred Parks.
Partnership usually takes the form of a one-time collaboration, or a ministry partner relationship built between two parties. Example of churches who have collaborated on one-time events (thus far) can be found on our "Communities Visited" page. An example of an organization that is building a relationship (i.e. partnership) with Sacred Parks is St. Martin Lutheran church in Kansas City, Kansas.
The Sacred Partners program, though currently somewhat "under construction" goes like this: if you or your organization wants to work with Sacred Parks to help your community explore becoming more green, while adopting or otherwise using a park in your area, we can help! By providing resources, ideas and leadership, Sacred Parks can help you. There is also no "set" way to be a "sacred partner," so let's explore this possibility together!
Please contact us if you would like to partner up or collaborate with Sacred Parks.